We request that you take this Alumni Intentions Survey to make the absolute most of your next CVP experience and let us know how to support you best. Don’t hold back!
Your purchase receipt should be in your email, keep it handy.
You will receive your login credentials on March 8th, 2025.
Check your junk/spam/promotions folders for our emails if you can’t find them in your inbox.
Like the first time in CVP, be prepared for you and your art to make another big shift. To BLOOM.
Since you have taken CVP before, you are already familiar with the essential Art2Life principles, a powerful ability to play, and a repeatable foundational working process. As a result, your upcoming art will become deeper, more nuanced, and even more like you.
This year of BLOOMing will be about refining and becoming more sophisticated in the discerning of all your decisions. By repeating the CVP program, you and your art will move to an even higher level.
The new CVP members will see and comment on your art. Alumni work is always a source of inspiration and guidance for the new CVP artists. From personal experience, this reflection is rewarding and clarifying for you and your art. In helping others by sharing our knowledge, we truly help ourselves.
So, thank you in advance for your spirit of generosity and your continued commitment to your art. It is an honor for me and my team to be on this journey with you.
See you soon,
Nicholas Wilton